About us
We are a fee-for-service financial planning firm. That means we only charge for the services we provide.
We provide comprehensive tax and financial planning services

Why fee-for-service gives more options
I have respected colleagues offering either variable annuities or investment management products.
When I talk to planners with just one solution, they say all the alternatives are pointless. They have a bias against their competition. The truth is that there isn’t just one solution for everyone. After understanding your goals, risk tolerance, and personal preferences, we can recommend the best solution.
If you walk into a Chevy dealership, you wouldn’t expect them to consider your situation and then sell you a VW. Likewise, if someone only offered managed accounts, don’t expect them to impartially advise you about how much you should put into your 401(k).
At Delagify, we don’t sell products or charge based on managed assets. We bill solely based on the complexity of your situation.

Tax Strategy
Robert Persichitte, CPA, CFP®, CFE has over twelve years of experience. His unique skill set combines extensive knowledge of taxes with financial modeling.
He considers both today and the future when providing tax planning advice. He helps with your current tax planning strategy by using the tax code to help minimize your impact and seeing the strategy to completion on your return.
He plans for the future by monitoring changes in the tax code and thinking of your future taxes.
A good tax strategy can help to minimize the taxes you pay over your lifetime.
A tax parable:
We sometimes prepare tax returns for people who are not financial planning clients. In one instance, we prepared a tax return for a client with a non-CPA financial planner.
Long story short, the non-CPA gave her some bad advice. The non-CPA suggested the client break some 401(k) rules. (Here is the rule for curious tax nerds.) The consequence is that the client would have to pay taxes twice on the same money plus some penalties.
Fortunately, we caught the mistake and helped the client fix it with minimal impact on her taxes.
Tax planning strategies are apparent once they get entered into a tax return. We don’t just learn theoretical strategies; we see the strategy through to the tax return.